
Mission & Service

St. Peter's members support Mission & Service outreach projects through contributions to the United Church Mission & Service Fund. These contributions, approximately $37,000 annually, support our Outreach efforts internationally, in Canada and locally.

Education is an important part of our work, through Minutes for Mission and Right Relations vignettes, Lunch and Learn presentations and the acquisition of books for the church library. We work closely with our Minister to ensure the projects we are supporting are well understood by the congregation. 100% of our fund raising proceeds are used to support our work.

International Outreach

Our gifts for Mission & Service support global partners in their day-to-day work through long term change and emergencies. Examples are a village in Kenya hit hard by drought and extreme hunger and a school in Nicaragua.

OuTREACH Projects in Canada

Gifts also provide assistance to the First Nations Family and Caring Society, Camp Eagle Nest, Canada Food Grains and the First Nations Healing Fund.


The Mission & Service Committee and many supportive members of the congregation provide not only financial support but many hours of volunteer service and caring for local projects such as the Reseau AIDS Classroom Conference.

Right Relations with Indigenous Communities

St.Peter's members have organized and participated in presentations on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's work and recommendations, the United Church apology for Residential School survivors and on aboriginal spirituality, traditions and way of life.

MS Gifts 2018

White Gifts Sunday

Annually on the second Sunday in Advent, St. Peter's members bring white gifts for residents of a nearby nursing home, some of whom do not have family members who live nearby. Our Spirit Quest youth visit to sing carols for residents in the Christmas season.

Support for Secondary School Students

As well, throughout the year, gift cards and food items are collected for a city high school. These are distributed by school administrators to students in need.


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Out of the Cold Program

This long standing local project has between 50 and 60 St. Peter's volunteers. Volunteers shop for and prepare delicious home-cooked meals and desserts, prepare the hall, extend a warm welcome, graciously serve our guests,and finally clean up after the meal by washing hundreds of dishes and sweeping floors. Hot, nutritious meals are served each Friday evening from November to April at either St. Andrew's United Church or the Church of the Epiphany in downtown Sudbury. The number of guests attending has increased significantly and we now regularly serve more than two hundred meals in an evening.

We are deeply grateful to the volunteers, who range in age from elementary school children to seniors, who generously offer their time and their talents.

If you are interested in becoming part of this important community Outreach program, please contact the Office Managerat This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who will direct your inquiry to the appropriate person. New volunteers are always welcome.



Syrian Family Refugee Sponsorship Project

In early 2015, the congregation approved a plan to sponsor and support a family from Syria. A six member sub-committee organized a fund raising drive to support the family's accommodation, food and other expenses for the minimum of a year – a requirement of the sponsorship agreement. The Alyousefs arrived in early December 2016 and are settled in a furnished townhouse.

For more information and an update, please refer to the Refugee Sponsorship Project web page.



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As followers of Jesus Christ, our call is, to worship God, to nurture faith, to foster a caring, inclusive, and affirming church family, to serve our community, to work for peace and justice, to respect the earth.

Services every Sunday at 10:30am

Affirming Congregation
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