
On the Rock

St. Peter's newsletter is shared on Wednesday's to the congregation.  If you would like to receive On The Rock in your inbox, contact the church office.

You can browse past issues here.

  1.2024 04 17

2.2024 04 17

3.2024 04 17

4.2024 04 17

5.2024 04 17

6.2024 04 17

7.2024 04 17

8.2024 04 17

 2024 04 10 6

2024 04 10 7

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As followers of Jesus Christ, our mission is, to worship God, to nurture faith, to foster a caring, inclusive, and affirming church family, to serve our community, to work for peace and justice, to respect the earth.

Services every Sunday at 10:30am

Affirming Congregation
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