
Church Art - Stained Glass Windows

Memorial Windows at St. Peter's United Church

The symbols of our faith, the people of St. Peter’s, our church history, our northern environment and peoples are reflected in the stained glass windows and artwork in the church. As we celebrate our 60th year of worship and service in Sudbury, we celebrate our past, and look forward to further contributions to this visual history.

The Mary Shamley Memorial Window

MaryShamelywindowThis centre window on the east side of the sanctuary was given in memory of Mary Shamley, by Michael Shamley in May 1987.

The hands holding a flame, surrounded by the United Church Crest symbols, signify Mary’s involvement in the first Sunday School which led to the establishing of St. Peter’s. In the central panel above, the communion table set with wheat and grapes (Mary often set the table), has a table cloth with Ukrainian embroidery, from Mary’s heritage. This pattern is also seen in much of the lower section of the window. Above the table, the window has a floral theme to signify her love and nurturing of flowers. The sunflower at the top, a cross at its centre, is shedding its seeds to the bottom panels, as Mary planted her seeds through her example and service.

In Loving Memory of Mary (Buchowski) Shamley Faith, Hope and Love abide But the greatest of these is Love 1st Corinthians 13:13

The Groom Memorial Window

GroomwindowThe centre window on the west side of the sanctuary, was placed in memory of Don and Audrey Groom by their family in December 1991.

The baptism and creation themes are appropriate to the Groom’s interest and involvement in the youth of the church and their love of outdoors and cottage. At the top is the dove, the symbol of the Holy Spirit at Jesus’ baptism, and the bird which brought the olive branch to Noah, signifying God’s promise of new life. The seven stars, from the Book of Revelation, are a sign that we should walk steadfastly with God. The water of creation and baptism cascades down over a shell, a symbol of the sea where life began. The eight-sided baptismal font represents the seven days of creation and the day of resurrection. Below the font, the fish and the blue heron among the reeds remind us of God’s creations in our midst in Northern Ontario.

To the Glory of God, In Loving Memory of Don and Audrey Groom

The Window for Faithful Members of St. Peter's

FaithfulMemberswindowThe window to the south of the Shamley window representing the history of St. Peter’s and the many contributors to its growth, was dedicated in December 1991.

At the bottom is the rock on which the church (and the city) is built, its colours representing the rich minerals found nearby. The keys above are symbols of St. Peter, the keeper of the keys to the kingdom. The flames represent the fire which destroyed our original building, with the crown of thorns and the three nails in the centre symbolizing Christ’s crucifixion. We are reminded of Christ’s suffering for us, and his presence with us. Above the fire is the phoenix, rising from its ashes to a new and beautiful life - a symbol of resurrection and hope.

Enriched by their faithful, responsive living, we remember those who have gone before 1991

The Doris Thompson Memorial Window

DorisThompsonwindowDoris Thomson was an active member of St. Peter’s from its inception. In its symbolism, the window conveys the essence of Doris and her beliefs. God is Love, and Wake up and greet the new day with love, were words used by Doris to comfort her family. The Japanese ideograms repeat these thoughts in the language of her birthplace, Kobe, where her parents were missionaries, and reflect her abiding affection for Japan and its people. The ideo-grams may be seen on the central and side rays of the rising sun, a symbol of the new day in a dimension of life on the other side of death. The two rising doves, touching a golden ring, represent the triumph of loving spirit over death. Doris’ love of flowers is reflected in the blooming hibiscus and African violets in the corners of the window: flowers which she nurtured and enjoyed in her home. Doris’ life of service was a love song for her family and all who knew her: her memorial is a love song in glass for everybody. This southernmost window on the sanctuary’s east side was dedicated in May 1995.

In Loving Memory of Doris Thomson, May 1994

The Stevens Memorial Window

StevenswindowThe window to the north of the Thomson window, was placed in memory of Cameron and Lois Stevens, by their family in September 1997. In keeping with Cameron’s career in forestry, a Jesse tree is a central theme, its roots intertwined with two others. Flowers and plants nearby represent the places of birth (New Brunswick and Ontario). At the bottom, a compass symbolizes God’s guidance and Cameron’s travels and guidance - always returning to the north. In the centre, the United Church crest symbolizes their chosen faith, and the lyre represents Lois’s interest in music. At the top the trees intertwine in a crown - like our community of faith, the forest trees touch and are dependent on each other. The small cross and the Hebrew Benediction completing the window are strong symbols of our faith.

Dedicated to the Glory of God and in loving memory of W. Cameron Stevens and H. Lois (Johnston) Stevens by their children 1997. The Lord Lift up His Countenance Upon You and Give You Peace, Numbers 6:26

The Stedman Memorial Window

StedmanwindowThis beautiful window on the east side of the sanctuary, contributed by the Stedman family and by many family friends, was dedicated in September 2005. Bea and Bill Stedman were founding members of St. Peter’s, strong in their faith and service.

Trinity United Church was Bea’s home church, so the trinity theme - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - is prominent in the trefoil of interlocking rings, the triangle, and the groups of three pine cones, trillium flower petals and red pine needles. Bill’s heritage from Scotland is represented by the central thistle, while Bea’s life of service as a nurse and in the church is illustrated through the lamp of Florence Nightingale and of the crest of the United Church Women. Holy, Holy, Holy with its references to the trinity, was a favorite hymn of both Bea and Bill. The beauty of the Northern Ontario scenery in Chapleau is captured in the sky, river and water images and in the woods and animals (moose, deer and bear). The restful colours of the sky, water and forest lead us to meditate on the wonder of God’s creation and family.

In Loving Memory of Beatrice and William Stedman, St. Peter's United Church, September 11, 2005

The Caswell Memorial Window

CaswellWindowThe window on the south end of the west wall of the sanctuary was donated in memory of Laura and Bill Caswell by the Caswell family and friends. It was installed on December 15, 2006 and dedicated in 2007. In the top panel the star of Bethlehem is featured, surrounded by the 7 doves of the Holy Spirit, love, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness and faith. Below this, the sky (over Bethlehem or Sudbury) has the glory of the Northern Lights and the town has a lighted room in expectation. In the lower panel, our response as Christians to the gift of Christ’s birth is illustrated – Laura and Bill were faithful members of St. Peter’s who often extended a welcoming and helping hand with wonderful hospitality to so many in the community. The bottom section has the dedication panel to the Caswells, images of our northern seasons and the words:

He shall be called Emmanuel, God with us In service, we respond

The Ivy Wagner Memorial Window

IvyWagnerWindowIvy and Gerry Wagner have been faithful members of St. Peter’s for many years. This beautiful window on the west side of the sanctuary is a gift from the Wagner family – a tribute to Ivy’s life and many contributions to her family and the community. Designed and crafted by David Morgan of Barrie, the window was dedicated in October 2013.

The window’s theme of faith and family is illustrated by the radiant cross at the apex with a blue heron tending her young beneath. The basin and pitcher and the hands raised in blessing represent Jesus’ love for his disciples and Ivy’s love and service for her family. The blue gray hills in the background could be those of the Sudbury basin, near Creighton where Ivy and Gerry met and lived for many years as Gerry worked at Creighton Mine. They also remind us of Ivy’s favourite Psalm 121 – Unto the hills do I lift up my longing eyes. The shamrock and red cross symbols represent Ivy’s service for the Girl Guides program and as a life member of the Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, while daisies show her love and guidance for family and children. The dove and gold chain in the lower window section symbolize both Ivy and Gerry’s long contributions to the Rebekah and Oddfellows Lodges, with the letters standing for Friendship, Love and Truth – basic values of these service groups. We give thanks for Ivy, for her family and for this wonderful addition to our church.

In memory of Ivy Wagner - The family, Love one another as I have loved you

The Artists

David Morgan

David Morgan, the designer and fabricator of the Shamley, Groom, St. Peter’s Memorial, Stevens, Stedman and Caswell windows, has a studio in Barrie Ontario. He teaches art at Georgian College, and was a faculty member of Cambrian College in Sudbury, prior to opening a studio near North Bay. David has completed many church windows, including several at Copper Cliff United Church.

Jack Dardick

Jack Dardick designed and crafted the Thomson Memorial window. With his studio in Sudbury, he works with stained glass in a variety of ways. He has completed a number of other church windows in the Sudbury area, including St. John’s United Church in Levack.



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