
St. Peter’s United Church Women

The St. Peter’s United Church Women’s group has been an important part of our Church community throughout its history. Its sponsorship and support for many activities and outreach projects has been a large factor in the development of our church mission. Meetings include fellowship and service activities. There are currently over 45 active members and associates involved in the UCW.


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UCW programs include a series of guest speakers through the year on local and international topics, two potluck lunches in May and December and occasional viss to area facilities. We host numerous fundraisers and special events each year, and most recently net revenues from the spring Yard Sale, catering, voluntary giving, fair trade coffee and beverages, and the Christmas Bazaar & Bake Sale totalled $13,639.09. Sales continue to be our major fundraisers, with the support of many other St. Peter’s members and friends. The proceeds of our annual fundraising activities go to international projects, community appeals, United Church projects, St. Peter’s projects, as well as $3500 to the Mission and Service Fund. Recent donations include support for sound systems in the Fellowship and Heritage Halls, and for the Rohingya Relief Fund.

UCW members support Church activities including the Out of the Cold program, worship services at Extendicare York and provide Fair Trade coffee, tea and drinks for the Sunday morning fellowship after the service. We also regularly host receptions for funerals at the Church. Participation and support are also provided for the Presbyterial and Conference UCW organizations and their activities.

Sincere thanks to all of our supporters. Our goal is to reach out to more women in the congregation and community, and we would welcome all interested participants to our meetings. Even if you are able to attend only occasionally, you would be most welcome. We think you will find spiritual growth and Mission education as well as fellowship and interesting activities at our meetings.

UCW meetings begin at 1:30 pm on the second Monday of the month. Our December Pot Luck celebrates the coming of Christmas, and our May Pot Luck lunch highlights our summer holiday plans. Regular meetings usually feature a speaker from a local organization or charity or an interesting activity, worship, refreshments, a business meeting and fellowship.

For further information, contact  the Office Manager at 705-675-2171 or info@stpetersunited.ca, and your inquiry will be directed to the UCW coordinator.


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As followers of Jesus Christ, our call is, to worship God, to nurture faith, to foster a caring, inclusive, and affirming church family, to serve our community, to work for peace and justice, to respect the earth.

Services every Sunday at 10:30am

Affirming Congregation
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