

St. Peter's United Church is now on Realm!

St. Peter's has begun sending invitations to access Realm to each person in the congregation. If you have not yet received your invitation, please contact the church office.

Click here at access St. Peter's Realm database.

Realm frequently asked questions

What is Realm and why is St. Peter's using it?

Most churches (St. Peter's included) have used computer programs for many years to store and access your contact information. Among other things, this information is used by pastoral care staff to contact you, but is also used to generate our St. Peter's printed directory.

St. Peter's previously used ChurchWatch, but switched over to Realm in 2021.

Is Realm online? Is my privacy protected?

Realm's data is securely stored online. This data is encrypted similar to encryptions used for online banking.

An email and password is required to access the Realm database in any way. Realm's data is not visible to anyone outside of St. Peter's, and is encrypted in online storage.

Within Realm, you can control how much of your contact information is visible to other members of the St. Peter's congregation. Once you have your own login, you control your own privacy settings.

What can I do with Realm? Why Should I login to St. Peter's secure database?

There are many benefits for you in using Realm at St. Peter's:

  • You can update you own contact information, as well as privacy settings
  • As a donor to St. Peter's, you can access your giving records, from January 2021 to present
  • You can look up people in the St. Peter's directory, which will always be current
  • St. Peter's will be increasingly using Realm to communicate updates with congregants
  • Events in the life of St. Peter's
  • Volunteer service and opportunities 



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As followers of Jesus Christ, our mission is, to worship God, to nurture faith, to foster a caring, inclusive, and affirming church family, to serve our community, to work for peace and justice, to respect the earth.

Services every Sunday at 10:30am

Affirming Congregation
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