
Planned Giving

Planning Today for Tomorrow


Planned Gifts Fund

St. Peter's United Church has been carrying out the ministry of Jesus Christ for many years. This rich faith inheritance out of which we all live was made possible by the faithful witness and generosity of those who have gone before us. It is now our turn to help those who come after us. Our Planned Gifts Fund is the way to do just that.

The Planned Gifts Fund is not intended to be used for ongoing operating expenses. Rather, it is a separate source of funds that is used to support and enhance the ministry and mission outreach of St. Peter's United Church in the following ways:

1. Outreach, Worship and Christian Education
2. Building and Capital Improvements.

Recommended expenditures are reviewed by the Finance Committee and ultimately must be approved by the Church Council.

What are Planned Gifts?

Planned gifts are made from one's accumulated resources. Once bequests to family and other commitments are met, charitable legacies are included by many United Church members and adherents. If you are considering a planned gift to St. Peter's, you can designate it specifically for the Planned Gifts Fund, for the Mission and Service Fund, or for other specified purpose. Should you prefer to contribute an undesignated gift, with no conditions, it will form part of the Planned Gifts Fund.

Some options for planned giving include:

These are stated in one's Will and generate a charitable tax receipt for use by the Estate. 

Gift Annuities:
A United Church Gift Annuity not only allows you to leave a gift to the church but provides you with an income for your lifetime. The income is mostly non-taxable and a one-time charitable receipt is issued for a portion of the annuity. A joint life annuity for you and your spouse can also be arranged.

Gifts of Shares:
When you make a gift of shares to St. Peter's, your taxable capital gain is significantly reduced, however your charitable tax receipt is for the full value of the shares on the day they are received by the Church.

Gifts of Life Insurance:
You can donate an existing policy and receive a charitable tax receipt for its cash value. Alternatively, you can purchase a new policy, enabling you to make a large gift to the Church in the future for a relatively small cost now. You receive a charitable tax receipt for the premiums you pay.


Because the preparation of one's Will is very important, it is recommended that advice be sought from qualified professionals such as legal counsel or one's financial planner.

The following is the terminology to use, should a gift to St. Peter's United Church be considered:

“To St. Peter's United Church at 203 York St. in Sudbury, Ontario, P3E 2A2 (Charitable Registration No. 11919 9065 RR0001) the sum of $X  designated to the Planned Gifts Fund.”

(or insert your preferred type of planned gift and/or designation.)

As well, a private consultation with the United Church of Canada Stewardship and Gifts Officer for our area can be arranged.

Another resource is the United Church of Canada Website: www.unitedchurchofcanada/plannedgiving where the following materials are available:

– Will Workbook: A Guide to Planning Your Estate

– Gifts That Last Lifetimes

For further information, please contact the Office Manager at 705-675-2171 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and your inquiry will be directed to the appropriate person.


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