
Our Affirming Ministry


An ad hoc committee was set up by Church Council in 2009 to explore the possibility of St. Peter’s becoming an Affirming Congregation.  In 2013, this process culminated in a resounding endorsement by the congregation that St. Peter’s become an Affirming Congregation, and our mission statement was revised to include “To foster a caring, inclusive and affirming church family”.  An agreement was signed between the Réseau Access Network in Sudbury and church to acknowledge the commitment to work as partners in the provision of services to members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning and Two Spirited communities.  A service of celebration was held on June 23, 2013 with many special guests from Sudbury and area to mark this important and joyous milestone. 

By choosing to become publicly known as an Affirming Congregation, St. Peter's commits itself to the ongoing inclusion of LGBTQ2 persons and their families in all areas of ministry and congregational life, including same gender marriages. To be in ministry to and with all, involves an attitude of sensitivity and openness to the gifts and graces of each person in the body of Christ.


Pride Parade 1c


  • Participation at the 'Opening Doors' Conferences sponsored by Réseau Access Network.
  • Promotion of St. Peter's United Church as an Affirming Congregation.
  • Participation in Sudbury's Pride Week March, with a St. Peter's banner.
  • Support by members, including youth, for the Réseau Access Network Red Scarf project.
  • Hosting of Pride Sunday services.
  • Maintaining updated information on the Affirming Ministry in packages available at the church as well as on the church website.

For further information on St. Peter's Affirming Ministry please contact the church office at 705-675-2171 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Your inquiry will be directed to the appropriate person.

For more information about Affirm United from the United Church of Canada click here.


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As followers of Jesus Christ, our call is, to worship God, to nurture faith, to foster a caring, inclusive, and affirming church family, to serve our community, to work for peace and justice, to respect the earth.

Services every Sunday at 10:30am

Affirming Congregation
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