
Young Families Group

Those who identify as "Young Families" stay connected via in-person events as well as a private Facebook group.  We are grateful for all who share in annual gatherings like the Advent Event, the Lent Event and other "On the Rock" occasions that provide times of learning, nurture and fellowship often with a meal. These are often combined efforts, often with the Fellowship Committee.

It is always a pleasure to welcome friends to share our events as well. The “Young Families" Facebook page also provides an online forum for members to share news, musings and insights.

We welcome anyone (with or without a young family) to participate in this group, but group settings are tightly controlled to provide members with a sense of privacy within the church family.  For this reason, a link to the group is required for new participants. 

For further information, please contact the Office Manager at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who will direct your inquiry to the Young Families coordinator.

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As followers of Jesus Christ, our call is, to worship God, to nurture faith, to foster a caring, inclusive, and affirming church family, to serve our community, to work for peace and justice, to respect the earth.

Services every Sunday at 10:30am

Affirming Congregation
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